Company Profile
The company KARVELAS SA was founded in 1989 in Agrinio, Aitoloakarnania and now, is one of the largest companies in the field of agricultural supplies in Greece. The company’s action is divided into four branches:
- The trade of livestock supplies
- The trade of agricultural supplies
- The provision of Chemical Logistics services and
- Consulting.
The company’s activity was initially focused on the livestock industry, as for more than thirty years it is one of the main ‘players’ in the import of livestock supplies from all over the world, while creating exclusive partnerships with big enterpises in basic product groups in order to ensure reliability and consistency. The company now has a strong and established network of customers throughout Greece but also in the Mediterranean and Balkan countries.
The company, analyzing and recognizing the needs and requirements of the market, has invested dynamically in the last ten years in the agricultural sector as well. Exclusive collaborations with the most important abroad companies were created, so that a strong and reliable portfolio of agricultural supplies is secured, while specialized and highly experienced executives were appointed, so that the technical support in all kinds of needs that may occur to the customers is granted. In this way, the company now provides complete programs for every possible crop, with constant supervision and guaranteed success.
In 2019, KARVELAS SA proceeded to a strategic move with a view to the future, acquiring its own facilities for the provision of Chemical Logistics services at Ypato, Voiotia and Sindos ,Thessaloniki.
With hypermodern production systems and machinery and with an experienced and technically specialized staff, the company took a step that gives it the opportunity to optimize the quality of its customer service, but also to create its own products, fully adapted to needs of the Greek market.
With hypermodern production systems and machinery and with an experienced and technically specialized staff, the company took a step that gives it the opportunity to optimize the quality of its customer service, but also to create its own products, fully adapted to needs of the Greek market.
Furthermore, the factory of Ypato and the means that it has, gives the company the opportunity to invest dynamically in research and innovation through the adoption of various projects in collaboration with University Institutions and other bodies.
KARVELAS SA also has a consulting department based in Agrinio of Aitoloakarnania, providing all kind of services in agricultural issues.
Finally, KARVELAS SA, recognizing the needs of its significant network of customers throughout the Balkans, proceeded in 2019 to the fostering of the subsidiary KARVELAS LTD SRL based in Constanta of Romania, opening the way for a new and rapidly growing market and ensuring , through its human resources, continuous and specialized support to its customers.